Dew Episodes


I love the “United States of American” men who shaped it.
The woman who birthed and nurtured it.
The sweat, labor and blood that christened it.
Even the spoiled fruit now in it.

I love the horn of plenty that’s a nipple to it.
The highchair upon which it sits.
The land on which it stands.
And the people of the earth in it.

I love the unsung accompaniment of it.
The in god we trust of it.
The metaphors that define it.
And the flood of generations that render it.

So I put my words in it, like any good father would do.
I rock it to sleep and kiss it’s boo boos.
I sacrifice my sweat, labor and life to it.
Because I trust that eternities branch is of it.

© Je0ff Taylor | 2001

This was written Pre-Sept 11th.

Originally posted on Table Talk as a response to several people dogging the American image.